jrai's posts

28 posts found

Our Mission

  By: jrai on Oct. 6, 2022, 3 p.m.

CrowdCent is on a mission to decentralize investment management by changing the way hedge funds operate. The current system is stagnant and ripe for disruption because it relies on a handful of "smart" people in a room to make investment decisions, …

Re: Universal Display Corp (OLED)

  By: jrai on Sept. 28, 2022, 4:55 p.m.

This has been a good short and I think the thesis has played out. I'd recommend closing here.

Re: Hop Protocol (HOP)

  By: jrai on Aug. 24, 2022, 2:36 p.m.

Turns out Hop has an internal dashboard that is pretty great to track volume: https://volume.hop.exchange/

Current daily volumes are quite low and I have a hard time believing these won't rebound to reach new all-time highs during the next cycle.

Re: Hop Protocol (HOP)

  By: jrai on Aug. 18, 2022, 12:41 a.m.

Hop has now been directly integrated into the Coinbase Wallet extension so users can bridge between networks without even knowing they're using Hop. I expect many more integrations like this.

Hop Protocol (HOP)

  By: jrai on July 28, 2022, 10:17 p.m.

What is Hop?

Hop Protocol is blockchain bridge infrastructure for a multi-chain future. Hop defines itself as “a scalable rollup-to-rollup general token bridge. It allows users to send tokens from one rollup to another almost immediately with…

Machine Learning with the SumZero Data Feed

  By: jrai on June 15, 2021, 5:10 p.m.

The idea of “alpha capture” is not new. SumZero’s community has created a large data repository that can act as a standalone, crowdsourced alpha capture system. The SumZero Data Feed can also augment and improve existing, internal …

CrowdCent <3 Numerai

  By: jrai on May 5, 2021, 1:14 p.m.

Core to CrowdCent's mission is crowdsourcing and decentralizing investment management. We believe that the decision making process and organizational design of the traditional hedge fund are fully under attack. A large portion of the industry relies…

Re: Long Macy's, Short Amazon (M/AMZN)

  By: jrai on Feb. 15, 2021, 9:55 p.m.

Not a joke, although I guess it is funny nonetheless. Prof Galloway posted this trade idea in 2015 here: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/future-retail-looks-like-macys-amazon-scott-galloway and so we're just kindly tracking it for him

Re: Curve DAO Token (CRV), Uniswap (UNI), Balancer (BAL)

  By: jrai on Feb. 15, 2021, 12:18 a.m.

Thanks. This has definitely worked out so far as volume is still exploding and more people come around to the story. Of course I'm a little worried we're in a clear speculative mania and expect some big corrections. Long term, though, I'd still be c…

Curve DAO Token (CRV), Uniswap (UNI), Balancer (BAL)

  By: jrai on Jan. 5, 2021, 3:47 p.m.

This is a basket idea, equal-weight in CRV (i.e. veCRV), UNI, and BAL which together represent three of the larger decentralized exchanges (DEXs) and automated market makers (AMMs) on Ethereum. At the highest level, the investment thesis for this sp…

Re: Amp (AMP)

  By: jrai on Dec. 11, 2020, 8:38 p.m.

How does the network capture fees? What is the fee structure and who decides on it?

Re: Ethereum (ETH)

  By: jrai on Dec. 8, 2020, 2:24 p.m.

With the launch of Eth2 and ETH staking, there's a great case to be made that likens ETH to a bond, The Internet Bond.

Numeraire (NMR)

  By: jrai on Sept. 10, 2020, 3:02 p.m.

Note: I am a participant in the Numerai Tournament and hold/stake NMR.

Numeraire (NMR) is a cryptoasset created by Numerai to power the Erasure protocol. Erasure enables decentralized data marketplaces with various mechanisms for encrypting, staking…

Interpretable Machine Learning for Long Term Investing

  By: jrai on Aug. 12, 2020, 4:24 p.m.

Opening the ML Blackbox

Machine learning (ML) algorithms are often dismissed as inexplicable blackboxes, but the idea of interpretable ML has been prying open that blackbox for some time now. Interpretable ML increases the degree to which a human c…

Re: Ethereum (ETH)

  By: jrai on Aug. 9, 2020, 4:57 p.m.

The network value of ETH should be measured in the trillions if it succeeds in being a global financial settlement layer (same w/ BTC to be fair).

I'd just add a list of digital assets (maybe a more appetizing term for cryptocurrency) that I'm keep…